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About Us


In 1968, Frances Long - “FLong” to her friends - set out to open her own tax business in a little building on Wilkinson Blvd. The building was surrounded by woods, and just after she finished putting up her sign, a man with a shotgun walked in. Nonplussed, FLong looked up and said, “What the hell are you doing?” His response: “Hunting rabbits. What the hell are YOU doing?” That man returned with his tax information and became her first client.

Today, the surrounding woods are long gone, but we are still in that same little building, and we still do that same man’s taxes 50 years later.

Driving past, you may never even know we exist, but we are deeply honored to be such an enduring institution in the area, with so many lifelong clients who have so many stories to tell about getting their taxes done. FLong created something truly unique: uncompromising quality mixed with humor, heart, and maybe even a few antics. We do our best to carry on that tradition, and firmly believe that going to the tax office shouldn’t be a dreaded affair. If you know us, you know what we’re talking about.

We understand how integral a tax preparer is to the important decisions in people's lives, and we never take that lightly. We work year-round, because that's what's required to truly take care of the people who come through our door. For the same reason, we also do not price gouge.

We have long experience working with people from all walks of life: musicians, TV reporters, physicians, pilots, mechanics, teachers, the film industry, retirees, and the list goes on.

We also have knowledge in cryptocurrency taxation, and have personal experience in mining, defi, NFTs, play-to-earn, and other crypto-related activities. We accept crypto as a payment option as well.

FLong’s daughter Denise and her husband Mack now carry on the tradition in FLong’s absence. They both have decades of tax experience working at FLong’s. In 2017, their son-in-law Nathan came aboard as well.

We are currently taking new clients on a case-by-case basis.

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Home: About Us

Tax Consultation

Flong Tax Services specializes in a wide variety of accounting services for our clients including:
Individual tax returns
Small business
Notary seals
Digital and hard-copy of returns

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6659 E Wilkinson Blvd, Belmont, NC 28012, USA



(704) 825-9592


(704) 825-3105

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(704) 825-9592

(704) 825-3105

6659 E Wilkinson Blvd, Belmont, NC 28012, USA


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